Friday, February 11, 2011


PYRAMID is a real miracle on earth. Pyramid structure is known to capture cosmic energy from the universe. A geometric shape that is formed by 4 equivalent triangles of same size on a square base in such a manner that they form an apex on that square base, is known as Pyramid.

Pyramid is a Greek word consisting of two words PYRA + MID. The term “PYRA” means FIRE which represents Universal Energy and “MID” means Center Core or “Nuclei”. Therefore, it is believed that an object which contains universal energy in its Center Core is a Pyramid.

Pyramid has a special property to deflect any type of cosmic radiations that falls on its apex downwards through its base line at the bottom, where these deflected cosmic radiations, with the help of magnetic field of Earth’s Gravitational force, create a new and very powerful BIO-ENERGY FIELD. Secondly, as pyramid deflects all radiations that fall on its apex down to its bottom from all of its four sides, the inner center of pyramid remains unaffected and safe, surrounded by a powerful Bio-energy field on all sides of Pyramid. This energy helps to preserve, energize, cure the things and objects kept in the pyramid for a long time.

Pyramid is considered conducive for learning and meditation. Pyramid meditation is becoming popular day by-day. In the Pyramid structure our whole being is revitalized, our mental and intellectual capacities are increased, and our energy centres get activated easily and freshness in the body remains for a longer time.

It has also been observed that Pyramid preserves fruits, milk and other perishables for a longer time. An apple kept under a pyramid will not rot even after 10 days, used razors and knives get sharpened. Pyramid energy effect is also supposed to heal wounds, boils and bruises quicker. Pyramid energy also ensures weight loss, and increases resistance to diseases like asthma, high blood pressure, arthritis, epilepsy and insomnia.

This Pyramid is a signature building of Architect “Ashwini Kumar”, constructed in December, 2010 by Jagran Social Welfare Society, Bhopal for the benefit of the students.

This Pyramid building is the newly constructed Students Resource Centre on "The Green Bowl" Campus consisting of the library, utility shops, merchandise shops and computer labs.

Friday, January 7, 2011

NTU, Singapore joins hands with JICM, Bhopal to deliver an Overseas Training Program

Nanyang Technology University, Singapore communication school Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Technology has entered into an agreement to deliver an overseas training certification with Jagran Institute of Communication and Management, Bhopal. NTU, Singapore is one of the fastest-growing research universities in the world, NTU is in the top 100 of the world’s universities, according to the QS World University Rankings 2010. This places it in the top 1% of universities globally. The Yunnan Garden campus, NTU's main campus, is located in the southwestern part of Singapore and will be the Youth Olympic Village of the inaugural Youth Olympic Games in August 2010. The NTU@one-north campus, in Singapore's science and tech hub, is home to educational facilities, including a graduate school, and alumni clubhouse facilities. These campuses house more than 33,000 students and 5,500 faculty and staff from over 70 countries.

Some of the highlights of the partnerships are as under:

1. Students will be taking their module in “Integrated Marketing Communication” at Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information.

2. Add on certification jointly awarded by Nanyang Technology University, Singapore and Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information to the students who successfully complete the module, helping students to get the extra credential on their resume.

3. Lecturers from NTU Singapore will expose students to the Global and Asian perspective of the communication industry

4. Industry visit to help students understand how companies function in a global market.

5. Field Project and Presentations will be an opportunity for the students to explore real life scenarios and discuss their learning with experts.

6. Opportunity to interact with some of the top international faculty in the field of communication management.

7. Opportunity to rub shoulders with international students of more then 70 countries.